219 – Employee Safety and Health

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I. Purpose

Employees shall be familiar with fire safety equipment and observe “No Smoking” rules at all times. The Harris County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) safety officer shall conduct periodic safety inspections of all facilities and notify the HR director of any violations.

II. Policy

Maintaining a safe and healthy working environment is as much the responsibility of the employees as it is management. Preventing accidents, reporting all injuries and unsafe conditions to supervisors as soon as possible, and observing safety rules at all times, especially when operating equipment or machinery, are all important, common sense approaches to maintaining a safe working environment.

III. Procedure- General Health and Physical Fitness

A. The functions of a law enforcement officer and those of professional staff members employed by the HCSO can frequently require levels of fitness not demanded by other occupations.

A satisfactory level of general health and physical fitness for HCSO employees should be maintained so that work can be performed efficiently and without personnel shortages caused by excessive use of sick leave.

B. HCSO employees are encouraged to have a physical examination at least once a year.

1. The physical examination should provide employees with feedback as to their general health and physical fitness and provide direction in helping them prevent predictable health problems from developing.

2. Advice relating to methods on improving one’s health and physical fitness should be obtained from the physician.

3. Employees are encouraged to improve and maintain their level of health and physical fitness in order to protect their well-being.

4. Before beginning a physical fitness program, an employee should have a physical examination conducted by a physician to determine if there should be any restrictions in the exercise program.

C. Employees are eligible for and encouraged to have physical examinations as provided by their respective health insurance plans.

D. Any physical examination required of an employee by the HCSO shall be provided at no cost to the employee.

IV. Use of Exercise Equipment

A. Physical conditioning exercise equipment is available to all HCSO employees for use on a voluntary basis.

B. The Sheriff or his or her designee may set guidelines for the use of equipment within the facility. All employees will strictly adhere to established guidelines regarding the use of HCSO exercise equipment and facilities.


This policy has been revised on the below listed dates:

April 21, 2009

June 17, 2021

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