306 – Attendance

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I. Purpose

This policy provides directives regarding attendance, tardiness, and absenteeism.

II. Policy

Prompt and regular attendance at work is required of all Harris County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) employees. Each employee is required and expected to work scheduled duty shifts in full.

III. Procedure

An absence from work will be charged to the employee as either authorized or unauthorized and must be supported by appropriate documentation.

A. Absenteeism and Tardiness

Absenteeism and tardiness are disruptive and place an unfair burden on other employees and supervisors.

1. An unsatisfactory attendance record may result in disciplinary action including suspension or termination.

2. An unsatisfactory attendance record may also affect an employee’s eligibility for promotion or transfer.

3. Repeated tardiness may serve as a basis for disciplinary action up to and including suspension or termination.

B. Hours of Duty

Employees will have regular hours assigned to them for active duty each day.

1. Outside of active duty hours, employees will be considered “off-duty.”

2. Employees may be called to duty as needed.

3. The fact an employee may be off-duty does not relieve him or her from additional responsibilities bestowed on them by state and federal law if they are certified as peace officers.

C. Punctuality

Employees must be punctual when reporting for duty at the time and place designated by their supervisor. Habitual failure to report promptly at the time directed may be deemed neglect of duty.

D. Absence Without Proper Leave

1. Employees may not be absent from duty without proper leave.

2. Employees may not be absent from duty without permission, except when unable to report for duty at the prescribed time because of sickness or injury affecting themselves or their immediate family.

3. A physician’s note is required to substantiate any use of sick leave.

E. Excessive Absenteeism

Employees must not establish patterns of excessive absenteeism.

Establishing a pattern of absenteeism is a violation of this policy regardless of whether any part of the absenteeism within the pattern has been approved, denied, or scheduled by a supervisor.

Patterns of excessive absenteeism include, but are not limited to:

1. Absences of short duration (less than three days) that are attached to scheduled days off or other scheduled absenteeism.

2. Consistently using sick leave or personal days within the short period of time in which they are earned.

3. Establishing a pattern of scheduling doctor appointments during busy or critical work times without displaying substantial written evidence that other times could not have been more appropriately arranged.

4. Use of sick leave at a rate that consistently leaves their balance at or near zero.

5. Regularly calling in sick on the same day of the week (e.g. calling in sick every Friday of the month).


This policy has been revised on the below listed dates:

April 21, 2009  June 15, 2021

December 2, 2020

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