252 – Funeral Attire and Mourning Badge Cover

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I.             Purpose

This policy provides directives regarding funeral attire and use of the mourning badge cover.

II.           Policy

Harris County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) employees must observe funeral attire requirements described in this policy whenever attending a funeral as a member of the HCSO. This policy also describes the appropriate use of the mourning badge cover.

III.          Funeral Attire

A.           Line of Duty Funerals

1.            Uniformed employees attending a funeral declared to be in the line of duty must wear a Class A uniform complete with felt hat and mourning badge cover.

2.            Command Staff will wear their formal dress uniform unless directed otherwise by the Sheriff or designee.

3.            Employees attending line of duty funerals in plain clothing must be dressed appropriately for the occasion.

B.           Other Funerals

1.            Employees up to the rank of Sergeant attending a funeral that has not been declared in the line of duty may wear the appropriate uniform of the day complete with hat and mourning badge cover.

2.            Employees the rank of Lieutenant or higher must wear a Class A uniform with felt hat and mourning badge cover.

3.            Employees attending funerals in plain clothing must be dressed appropriately for the occasion.

IV.          Mourning Badge Cover

A black cloth embroidered badge cover may be worn at funerals, memorial services, and other occasions honoring the loss of sworn and professional staff members.

A.           Badge covers should ideally hide the badge number. However, as this may not always be possible, wrapping the badge from the bottom left point to the bottom right point is sufficient.

B.           For line of duty deaths involving an HCSO sworn or professional staff member, mourning badge covers should be worn from the day of death until interment.

C.           For off-duty deaths involving an HCSO sworn or professional staff member, mourning badge covers should only be worn when attending the funeral.

D.           Mourning badge covers shall also be worn to honor employees of other agencies in the State of Texas that fall into the previously mentioned criteria.

E.            Mourning badge covers may not be substituted with black electrical tape or any other material.

F.            Mourning badge covers are a sign of honor and respect for the departed. When attending a funeral service for a departed sworn or professional staff member, the mourning badge cover is worn to respect their service.


This policy has been revised on the below listed dates:

February 7, 2010

August 16, 2018

September 1, 2021

August 8, 2023

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