251 – Rendering Courtesy to the National Anthem

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I.             Purpose

Harris County Sheriff’s Office personnel will render the proper courtesy to the national anthem as described herein when it is played.

II.           Policy

Execute “present arms” and “order arms” at the command of the officer in charge.

III.          Procedure

A.           Personnel in uniform (with or without headdress) not in formation:

1.            If outdoors with or without a headdress, at the first note of music, stand at attention, face the American flag, and render a hand salute until the last note of music is heard. If the American flag cannot be seen, stand at attention, face the direction where the music is coming from, and render a hand salute until the last note of music is played.

2.            If indoors and wearing a headdress, at the first note of music, stand at attention, face the American flag, and render a hand salute until the last note of music is heard. If the American flag cannot be seen, stand at attention, face the direction where the music is coming from, and render a hand salute until the last note of music is played.

3.            If indoors and not wearing a headdress, at the first note of music, stand at attention, face the American flag, and place your right hand over your heart until the last note of music is heard. If the American flag cannot be seen, stand at attention, face the direction where the music is coming from, and place your right hand over your heart until the last note of music is played.

B.           Personnel wearing plain clothes with headdress:

      If indoors or outdoors, at the first note of music, face the American flag,          stand at attention, and hold the headdress over the left shoulder with the             right hand over the heart until the last note of music is played. If the               American flag cannot be seen, stand at attention, face the direction where     the music is coming from, and hold the headdress over the left shoulder     with the right hand over the heart until the last note of music is played.

C.           Personnel wearing plain clothes without headdress:

If indoors or outdoors, at the first note of music, face the American flag, stand at attention, and place your right hand over the heart until the last note of music is played. If the American flag cannot be seen, stand at attention, face the direction where the music is coming from, and place your right hand over the heart until the last note of music is played.


This policy has been revised on the below listed dates:

February 7, 2011

July 28, 2023

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