804 – Fleet Vehicle Crash

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I.             Purpose

This policy describes Harris County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) fleet vehicle crash procedures and is intended to reduce the incidences of both at-fault and non-fault fleet crashes to protect HCSO employees and citizens. It will also ensure fairness by establishing consistent disciplinary standards for at-fault fleet crashes.

II.           Definitions

At-Fault Fleet: A fleet crash where negligence, carelessness, or violation of law or policy contributed to or caused the crash.

Department Safety Officer: The lieutenant assigned to the Vehicular Crimes      Division whose duties include reviewing fleet crashes.

Drivers Safety Course: The goal of this course is to make the student aware of the hazards of driving while in a law enforcement capacity. This course is designed to train personnel who have been in a fleet. The student will be able to apply the newly learned information while operating motor vehicles. This information should greatly reduce their chances of being involved in an at-fault fleet accident.

Fleet Crash: Any event at any location where an HCSO vehicle, owned or leased, operated by any employee or reserve, strikes another vehicle, person, or object, or is at rest and is struck by another vehicle (excluding intentional acts, see below), to include striking another vehicle while in motion, being struck while in motion, or getting struck while at rest, whether occupied or unoccupied.

•             Each fleet crash involving an HCSO vehicle will be treated as a fleet crash until the HCSO Department Safety Officer (DSO) determines if it was an at-fault, non-fault crash, or intentional act.

•             When the crash has no injuries (employee or citizen), no damage, actual damage that requires no repairs, or minor damage that will not be repaired, the crash may be considered as a non-censurable fleet for which documented counseling will be issued in place of utilizing the fleet censures listed in this policy.

•             Intentional acts with a vehicle or causing intentional damage to an HCSO vehicle will not constitute a fleet crash.

No Action: When the Fleet Crash Review Board decides no disciplinary will be taken.

III.          Policy

The Fleet Crash Review Board will take relevant factors into consideration in varying from the established disciplinary standards to determine the appropriate discipline if circumstances warrant such flexibility. Fairness is a core value, and to ensure it is maintained, both mitigating and aggravating factors will be taken into consideration when reviewing the facts and circumstances of the crash.

IV.          Procedure

A.           Each fleet crash must be reported, and the Emergency Dispatch Center (EDC) must be notified immediately.                                 

B.           The Vehicular Crimes Division (VCD) will be notified and will conduct an investigation of the fleet crash unless the crash occurs outside of Harris County, in which case the primary responsibility for the investigation of the crash lies with the law enforcement agency in whose jurisdiction the crash occurred. If the fleet crash involves extenuating circumstances (e.g., a crash occurring in municipalities in Harris County where only minor damage to the vehicle is involved, or a VCD unit is not immediately available to investigate the crash), the VCD supervisor will decide who investigates the crash.

C.           If there are injuries, the EDC will notify the DSO, and a VCD supervisor will make the scene if life-threatening injuries exist.

NOTE: Any employee involved in a fleet crash must verbally notify their supervisor immediately or as soon as practicable if injuries to any parties are involved.

D.           The DSO will make the scene on all fleet fatalities.

E.            If the HCSO vehicle is drivable, it must be taken to the downtown or Tomball vehicle maintenance center (VMC) for an estimate within three (3) days of the fleet crash.

F.            Harris County Auditor’s Form 118 must be completed and signed by the employee within three (3) days of the fleet crash. The form must be approved and signed by the immediate supervisor.

G.           If the HCSO vehicle is not drivable, it will be towed by a contract tow service to a designated area for damaged county vehicles (e.g., Tomball VMC).

H.           Once the damage estimate is performed, a copy of the estimate will be delivered to the Fleet Administrator by VMC personnel. The Fleet Administrator will maintain a list of damage estimates.

I.             If the vehicle is drivable and does not need to be placed out of service, an HCSO employee will deliver the vehicle to the downtown or Tomball vehicle maintenance center during the scheduled appraisal time. The employee delivering the vehicle will contact VMC to ascertain the appraisal times.

J.            All vehicles that are disabled and are placed out of service will have the video processing unit (VPU) and the laptop computer removed from the vehicle by Tomball Mobile Support personnel.

1.            The VPU and laptop computer will be brought Tomball Mobile Support for secure uploading of the video that is on the VPU and proper documentation of the processing of the captured evidence.

2.            Failure to submit video in a timely manner and in accordance with this policy may result in disciplinary action.

K.            If a vehicle is designated to be “downloaded” by a VCD investigator or a designated representative, it will be marked by a fluorescent-colored sticker indicating “Download” being placed on the vehicle prior to leaving the crash scene. The HCSO case number will be written on the sticker. These vehicles will not be moved, processed, or otherwise tampered with until the download has been performed by designated personnel. Once the download is conducted, the sticker will be removed.

NOTE: While performing the download, if the investigator observes the VPU and laptop are still inside the vehicle, the investigator will not remove the sticker. The investigator will mark through the word “Download” and write the date performed on the sticker. This will inform the LEOS personnel who remove the VPU and laptop that they can remove the sticker, allowing VMC personnel to begin repairs of the damage.

L.            The VCD investigator will notify the appropriate LEOS and VCD personnel of the need to conduct a download and to secure video relating to subsections J and K above.

M.          If an HCSO vehicle is requested to be kept in its wrecked condition for evidentiary purposes, it will be transported by contract tow service to a designated location (e.g., 310 Fisher Road or 23828 Tomball Parkway).

N.           If the employee involved in the crash desires to make a statement concerning the incident, they can review the crash report and ask any questions about any inconsistencies. The involved employee may create a supplement report in the Mobile Field Reporting (MFR) within ten (10) days of the fleet crash and scan a statement into the “E-files” section of that report.

V.           Fleet Crash Review

A.           Department Safety Officer (DSO) Review

      1. The DSO will review each fleet crash.

      2. Each fleet crash will be evaluated on the facts of the event.

      3. The DSO will determine if the fleet crash was at-fault or non-fault.

      4. The DSO will forward, in writing, a determination of non-fault crashes to the                  Bureau commander.

B.           If the Bureau commander concurs with the finding of the DSO, the case will be closed.

C.           Fleet Crash Review Board

1.            Fleet crashes found to be at-fault or those in which an employee was found not to be wearing a seatbelt will be presented to the Fleet Crash Review Board by the Department Safety Officer.

2.            This board, chaired by the PSSB Commander, will convene once a month.

3.            The board will consist of the following: A chairperson (PSSB Commander), one (1) captain, one (1) lieutenant, one (1) field training officer (FTO), and one (1) union representative.

4.            The Department Safety Officer will present to the board all fleet crashes that have been determined to be at fault for their review.

5.            After review, the board will determine any action to be taken regarding the fleet crash as set forth in this policy.

6.            If the board determines a fleet crash had additional department policy violations, they will be referred to the Internal Affairs Division (IAD) by the chairperson.

7.            If the board takes “No Action,” the disciplinary will be waived, but the at-fault fleet will remain on the employee’s driving record and placement within the disciplinary matrix will not change (see VI).

VI.          Disciplinary Action

A.           The following censures, consisting of letters of reprimand or disciplinary action, will be taken against employees who are involved in one or more at-fault crashes during any consecutive twenty four (24) month period.

An employee is only required to take the safety driving course one time per calendar year even if they have more than one at fault in the calendar year (The fleet board can opt to make the class mandatory for any additional fleets in the same year after hearing the facts of the case).

The following monetary ranges are based on the damage estimates of the department vehicle operated by the employee.

If the circumstances of the “at-fault fleet” are flagrant or the amount of damage to the “other than county-owned vehicle or property” is high, those aggravating factors may be considered in determining the proper disciplinary action to be rendered.

All employees involved in an at-fault fleet that results in $400 or more in property damages, will take the Driver Safety Course within ninety (90) days of receiving notification from legal, unless waived by the Sheriff or his designee. If the employee fails to attend the course within ninety (90) days without a valid reason that has been approved by their supervisor, they will not be allowed to operate a county vehicle, and will be considered to have committed insubordination. A valid reason is generally a reason beyond the employee’s control, such as the class not being offered, or the employee is on FMLA.

It will be the Bureau Major’s responsibility to ensure training has been completed. Class rosters for personnel attending and completing the Driver Safety Training will be emailed to the Bureau Majors to place in the employee’s personnel file. Any non-adherence to the order must be documented and placed in the employee’s personnel file.

1.            First Crash:

<  or = $5,000                     letter of reprimand

> $5,001 to $10,000           1 day suspension

> $10,001 to $15,000         2 days suspension

> $15,001                          3 days suspension

2.            Second Crash

< or = $10,000                    3 days suspension

> $10,001 to $15,000         4 days suspension

> $15,001                           5 days suspension

3.            Third and Subsequent Crashes

< or = $10,000                    7 days suspension

> $10,001 to $15,000         10 days suspension

> $15,001                           11 days suspension

4.            Fourth and subsequent crashes will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and may include a transfer to a non-driving position for a period of not less than one (1) year. The review may also include the loss of the county “take-home” vehicle for not less than two (2) years.

If the employee was transferred to a non-driving position and completed                    the obligations of that disciplinary action, a new twenty-four (24) month             period will begin and the disciplinary matrix will start over according to          (VI)(A)(1) above.

5.            Employees not wearing a seatbelt or not securing a prisoner with a seatbelt adds the below number of days of suspension to the above matrix, and the Fleet Crash Review Board may place the deputy in a non-driving position for up to a year. Depending on the circumstances of the fleet crash, the Fleet Crash Review Board may refer the incident to the Administrative Disciplinary Committee (ADC) for disciplinary action up to and including termination.

First occurrence: If it is determined an employee was not wearing a seat belt, the employee will receive a 3-day suspension and if employee was seat belted but not the prisoner, the employee will receive a 3-day suspension. If both the employee and prisoner were not seat belted, the employee will receive a 6-day suspension.

Second occurrence: If it is determined an employee was not wearing a seat belt, the employee will receive a 5-day suspension and if employee was seat belted but not the prisoner, the employee will receive a 5-day suspension. If both the employee and prisoner were not seat belted, the employee will receive a 10-day suspension.

Third occurrence: If it is determined an employee was not wearing a seat belt, the employee will receive a 10-day suspension and if employee was seat belted but not the prisoner, the employee will receive a 10-day suspension. If both the employee and prisoner were not seat belted, the employee will receive a 20-day suspension.

NOTE: If the fleet board finds that an employee should be suspended for over fifteen days, the suspension will be served in the following manner: the employee will be suspended for fifteen days and then return to work for a full forty hour workweek. The remainder of the suspension will be served in the following week(s). At no time will an employee serve more than fifteen days at one time. This is done to keep the employee from losing their insurance benefits.

Example: An employee is suspended for 31 days. The employee will be suspended for fifteen (15) days, will return to work for one full forty (40) hour work week, and then they will then be suspended for an additional fifteen (15) days. The employee will return to work for one full forty (40) hour work week and then they will then be suspended for an additional one (1) day before returning back to work. (Refer to Harris County Personnel Regulations section 9.0241 for guidance).

6.            When the above disciplinary standard level for the at-fault driver has been established, aggravating and mitigating factors will be considered in determining whether the Fleet Crash Review Board will vary from the established disciplinary standard level. Aggravating and mitigating factors which may lessen or increase the established disciplinary standard level include, but are not limited to, the following:

a.            The employee’s at-fault history since the date of employment,

b.            The severity of the collision as measured by injuries and property damage,

c.            The nature and severity of violations committed by the employee that contributed to the crash, or

d.            The violations committed by the other driver that contributed to the crash.

B.           If an employee is involved in an at-fault fleet crash that results in serious bodily injury or death to any other person, the disciplinary action may include any action up to and including termination, regardless of how many prior at-fault fleet crashes the employee may have had.

If the at-fault fleet crash involves serious bodily injury or the death of any other person, the Fleet Crash Review Board will conduct an investigation and review of the at-fault fleet crash.

These types of cases will be reviewed by the Department Safety Officer and Internal Affairs Division to determine if there are any potential policy violations. If determined policy violations exists the Internal Affairs Division will conduct an investigation in accordance with existing policies and procedures.

C.           All employees involved in any at-fault fleet crash may be required to attend a Drivers Safety Course provided by or through the HCSO Academy.  Upon the completion of the Drivers Safety Course hosted by the HCSO, the instructor will forward documents indicating successful completion to the Human Resources Division (HR) for inclusion in the employee’s personnel file.

D.           Loss of take-home car privileges may be imposed for any at-fault fleet crash.

E.            Any employee who is criminally charged with an offense greater than a Class C misdemeanor as a result of an at-fault fleet crash may be subject to termination.

F.            If an employee is found not at fault for a fleet crash, he or she may still be disciplined for violations of state law or department policy (e.g., not wearing seatbelt, excessive speed, etc.).

VII.         Personnel Early Warning System (PEWS) Entry

A.           No fleet crash will be entered into an employee’s PEWS record until the fleet crash has been reviewed by the Department Safety Officer (DSO) and determined to be an “at-fault” fleet.

B.           Remedial or disciplinary actions regarding fleet crashes will only be entered into PEWS upon a Fleet Crash Review Board’s decision.

C.           Training mandated by the Fleet Crash Review Board, whether successful or unsuccessful, will be entered upon completion.


This policy has been revised on the below listed dates:

April 27, 2009          January 17, 2014          November 28, 2018

January 31, 2011      October 16, 2015         March 9, 2020

January 12, 2012      May 19, 2016               May 26, 2021

January 7, 2014        August 19, 2016           November 3, 2022

June 1, 2024

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