602 – Entry of Firearms Into Mobile Field Reporting (MFR)
I. Purpose
This policy establishes uniform procedures for immediate entry of lost, stolen, or recovered firearms into the TCIC / NCIC gun file.
II. Policy
All Harris County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) personnel will adhere to the following listed procedures when entering lost, stolen, or recovered firearms into Mobile Field Reporting (MFR):
III. Procedure
A. Before clearing the call, the reporting deputy will contact the HCSO Communications Division Message Center. The reporting deputy will relay all pertinent information required to enter a firearm into the NCIC gun file. A National Crime Information Center (NIC) number will be requested and entered into the incident report by the reporting deputy prior to the end of the deputy’s shift.
B. The reporting deputy will provide all the following information regarding the firearm for entry into TCIC / NCIC:
1. Serial number (mandatory field) – A NIC number cannot be obtained without the serial number,
2. Make,
3. Model,
4. Caliber,
5. Date of theft, loss, or recovery,
6. Harris County case number (OCA), and
7. Any additional information pertinent to the firearm entry.
C. If Message Center personnel cannot immediately enter the weapon into the system due to technical problems, the reporting deputy will ensure all necessary data has been provided to them, and Message Center personnel will perform the entry at the earliest opportunity. Upon successful entry, Message Center personnel will contact the reporting deputy and provide the NIC number for the report.
This policy has been revised on the below listed dates:
April 21, 2009
March 16, 2017
OCTOBER 31, 2018
May 18, 2021