232 – Employee Grievance and Complaint Resolution

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I. Purpose

The policies outlining the grievance process and the procedures to be followed in any grievance are set out in Sheriff’s Civil Service Regulations Rule 13. Those regulations are adopted and incorporated herein for all purposes.

II. Policy

Any Harris County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) employee may initiate and present a grievance concerning the administration of policies, procedures, rules, regulations, and HCSO operations for prompt and fair consideration without fear of reprisal or harassment.

III. Procedure

A. Matters specifically excluded from the grievance process are:

1. HCSO decisions pertaining to disciplinary actions;

2. Salaries and economic benefits;

3. Complaints of discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin;

4. Letter of counseling;

5. Minor incident report or letter of reprimand;

6. Performance evaluations; and

7. Promotional examination issues.

B. Grievance Procedures:

1. The Human Resources Division (HR) will generate a report in January of each year of all employee grievances filed in that reporting period to the Sheriff or his or her designee. This report will analyze the nature of the grievances to determine any problem areas or trends which may need research or policy modification as deemed necessary by the Sheriff or his or her designee.


This policy has been revised on the below listed dates:

April 21, 2009

June 17, 2021

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