213 – Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

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I. Purpose

This policy explains how employees may retain their insurance benefits under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA).

II. Policy

The Harris County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) will provide eligible employees, or former employees, the opportunity to retain their insurance benefits after qualifying events in a manner consistent with COBRA and the Harris County Personnel Policies & Procedures handbook.

III. Expiration of Benefits

A. Employees are cautioned that their insurance benefits expire:

1. When a full-time employee is compensated for less than 32 hours per week for 4 consecutive weeks;

2. When employment is terminated;

3. Upon retirement; or

4. As defined by the Harris County Personnel Policies & Procedures handbook.

IV. Continuation of Benefits

A. Employees, or former employees, may retain their insurance benefits by making arrangements through the Office of Risk Management to pay monthly insurance premiums directly to the Harris County Auditor’s Office.

B. Employees, or former employees, must check with the Office of Risk Management to determine their eligibility for the continuation of benefits.

C. Retirees and dependents should consult provider materials and relevant publications for information about extending or converting coverage.


This policy has been revised on the below listed dates:

April 21, 2009

September 1, 2021

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