Rule 17: Intrabureau Transfers, Interbureau Transfers

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It is the responsibility of the Sheriff’s designated Bureau Commander to insure the fulfillment of his Bureau’s obligations to the public. This responsibility and the authority to schedule and assign personnel to fulfill that obligation shall not be abridged by this section. However, intrabureau assignments will not be made capriciously and/or maliciously but on demonstrable need. Employees feeling that they have been reassigned capriciously and/or maliciously shall have redress through the procedures set out in Rule 13.


Interbureau transfers may be effected upon written request of the employee, or when the Sheriff may justify such transfer for the best interests of the Department. However, interbureau assignments will not be made capriciously and/or maliciously but on demonstrable need. Employees feeling that they have been reassigned capriciously and/or maliciously shall have redress through the procedures set out in Rule 13.

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